Catálogo Cores
Biscoitos Amanteigados

Produto muito procurado, apresentado sob a forma de rosquinhas de cor castanho claro. É de fabrico caseiro sem adição de corantes nem conservantes, apresentam-se em embalagens de 250g contendo rótulo com toda a informação sobre o produto.
Centro Socail e Cultural da Atalhada Bakery
The Social and Cultural Centre of Atalhada is a Private Social Solidarity Institution (IPSS) created on the 17th of September of 1997 to promote social and cultural activities with the local population.
Its Centro Social e Cultural da Atalhada Bakery was created on the 3rd of May of 1999 within the scope of the «Lagoa Vale a Pena» Fight Against Poverty Project.
Its main goals are to set up, in the Água de Pau parish, a selling spot for traditional bakery goods and the training of human resources with a view to their later social and professional integration.