Catálogo Cores
Compota de figo

Produto húmido/sólido obtido a partir de uma mistura homogénea de todos os seus ingredientes, seguido de uma cozedura. Seguindo a receita antiga tradicional caseira.
Sem adição de corantes nem conservantes.
Cor castanho claro, podendo apresentar algumas variações.
Sabor leve e agradável facilmente digerido.
Ingredientes: Figo 65%, Açúcar
Sol Nascente Association
Associação Sol Nascente it's a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, created in 1998, with headquarters in Salga, Municipality of Nordeste. This association shone from the spirit of volunteering of women and men willing to overcome some difficulties in the parish, particularly with regard to women, young people and children.
Associação Sol Nascente aims to increase social solidarity, promote equal opportunities, respect and value the environment, respect and value cultural diversity and contribute to local development. In the area of Pastry and Cooking we produce a diverse range of products based on traditional homemade recipes using traditional methods.
To this end, Associação Sol Nascente created a micro-enterprise of solidarity economy, which does not aim at profit by profit but rather the creation of jobs and the training of individuals in poverty or social exclusion.
Having started the activities with a group of 7 collaborators, since then has been developing the range of products in the area of pastry and cooking, since we serve school meals in the county, as well as the integration of people at risk, we now have 16 employees being 6 of the board of the institution full time, 2 par-time, 1 green receipt, 2 contract and 5 of the regional government's occupational programs (Prosa and SEI).
In the area of child and youth support, Associação Sol Nascente has spaces equipped with all conditions for Leisure Activities, which works daily with children from five to twelve years old. We also have rooms adapted for training in the area of handicrafts and training programs in the cultural area, such as music, popular dances and theater.