Catálogo Cores
Bandeira do Espírito Santo
Bordado em tecido damasco vermelho, decorada com o símbolo da pomba ao centro, canutilho, lentejoulas, fio dourado e galão dourado. São colocadas num suporte de madeira e utilizadas para decoração nas casas das pessoas que são devotas do Divino Espírito Santo.
Social and Cultural Centre of Atalhada
Centro Social e Cultural da Atalhada is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity, created on September 17, 1997, with the intention of promoting social and cultural activities to support the population.
The Craft Area «Lagoa Vale a Pena», is a valence of this Institution, and was created in December 1997, by the Project to Fight Poverty «Lagoa Vale a Pena».
In addition to serving the community with traditional handicrafts, recovery of old pieces and sewing work, this area has as main objective the training of young people and women who wish to learn how to perform various works, using manual art, thus contributing to the qualifying development of human resources, with a view to increasing family income.